Wednesday 20 March 2013

Artducation: Crochet condom cases!

Crochet Condom Case
I remember once being told that if someone can't afford to buy condoms they probably shouldn't be having sex. While I am neither for or against that comment as we are all entitled to have the kind of sex we enjoy, I do believe that being able to negotiate condom use gives room to fairly evaluate and assess what kinds of risks we take or do not take with our body. I see condoms as tool to providing choice and sexual agency, meaning you can decided what kind of sex you want to have or do not want to have.

I have only recently come to realize and appreciate that being brought up in a informative environment has heavily informed the sexual decisions I make and the risks I take. My mother is and always has been open to talking about any questions I had about sex and sexual health. To this day she still provides me with information to questions I have not even thought to ask. I never had that "awkward" sex talk because she was never awkward about it. She was always willing to address issues and frame them in a way without shame...this is really a privilege afforded to me! So sex in my mind is a very healthy, normal and well enjoyable aspect of life. I can not stress that enough!

So why crochet condom cases? They came about as an arts based workshop some peers and I facilitate in communities of colour,  where we talk about sexual health and HIV/AIDS. They are so much fun...I get paid to talk about sex!  We do not entourage people to have sex, we create spaces where youth get to talk about sex in a positive and safe way to be able to answer any questions people have and challenge any misconceptions or negative perceptions. Participants get to decorate the pre-made cases how ever they want while engaging in conversations and discussions around sexual health and HIV/AIDS. Its artducation (art education)! Mine is really extra cause I just do it like that, but they can be as modest or flamboyant as you'd like :)

Choices should be linked to personal preferences, so whether you have sex or not why not be prepared with information and resources to be able to exercise choice in a way that is comfortable for you? Sex is not always planned and sadly not always consensual, but whether you're carrying condoms for your own use, a friends or even a total stranger condoms often open a dialogue that help us in negotiating and analyzing our position in sexual experiences and inform our decisions. I also have to say that not everyone has that ability, space, support systems or comfort level to have these kinds of conversations. So we have to start thinking about what prevents these conversations from happening in our respective communities. Furthermore, we need to think of how can we use these conversations to work collectively to challenge silence, and empower our communities.

All of our desires, sexual appetites, and lived realities vary, therefore I can never tell someone that they have to use condoms, but I can provide you with all the information, positive and negative, that you need to come to that decision on your own.

FYI: Never store condoms in your pocket, wallet or purse as over time the friction deteriorates the latex (that's why the cases are so great!)

Smiles :)

Tuly Maimouna

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